Validation workshop with use case provider GTW in Czech Republic
The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium successfully conducted a validation workshop on August 21, 2024, hosted by GTW Bearings in Příšov, Czech Republic. This workshop, organized by the project partner University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB, aimed to validate the preliminary Industry 5.0 Assessment Framework and discuss its key performance indicators (KPIs)
Validation Workshop with Use Case Provider Smarald Tech in Romania
The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium successfully continued with its series of Assessment Framework (AF) validation workshops. The 4th workshop was organized by the project partner Flanders Make and took place on 21 August 2024.
Validation workshop with use case provider OCTAVE in Belgium
The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium, with Flanders Make as the organizing partner, conducted a validation workshop with Belgian start-up Octave.
Validation workshop with use case provider AMF Safety Shoes in Portugal
The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium, with INEGI as the organizing partner, conducted a validation workshop with AMF Safety Shoes Portugal. This workshop, held in a hybrid format, aimed to validate the proposed KPIs and measurement tools for the Industry 5.0 Assessment Framework.
Validation workshop with use case provider BBRAUN in Italy
The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium successfully conducted a validation workshop on July 17, 2024, hosted by B. Braun Avitum Italy S.p.A. in Mirandola, Italy. This workshop, organized by the project partner University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), aimed to validate the preliminary Industry 5.0 Assessment Framework and discuss its key performance indicators (KPIs)
1st Stakeholder Engagement
The Prospects 5.0 held its first stakeholder community engagement event, gathering key project partners, use case providers, Advisory Board members, representatives of parallel projects, and the European Commission. It was a perfect opportunity to discuss current frameworks and methodologies linked to the Industry 5.0 paradigm and establish cooperation.