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Validation Workshop with Use Case Provider Smarald Tech in Romania

Validation Workshop with Use Case Provider Smarald Tech in Romania

August 21, 2024

The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium successfully continued with its series of Assessment Framework (AF) validation workshops. The 4th workshop was organized by the project partner Flanders Make and took place on 21 August 2024.

The online workshop, lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes, featured Smarald Tech, a Romanian SME specializing in customized jewellery products. The workshop focused on discussing the relevance, feasibility, and potential challenges of the preliminary Industry 5.0 AF, with a particular emphasis on key performance indicators (KPIs) from an SME perspective.

The session was implemented according to the guidelines and tools prepared by the lead partner UNIMORE, fostering a collaborative environment that enabled active participation and valuable feedback.

Key achievements of the workshop included:

  • Validation of proposed KPIs
  • Identification of additional KPIs
  • Feasibility and implementation challenges
  • Suggestions for improvement

Participants included Ziga Valic, EU Affairs Manager at Flanders Make, and Alexandra Moldovan, Project Manager at Smarald Tech. The workshop successfully achieved its objectives, providing critical insights that will refine the Industry 5.0 Assessment Framework and support the project’s ongoing development.