1st Stakeholder Engagement
1st Stakeholder Engagement

The full-day offline event titled “Towards the Industry 5.0 – a need for change: Theory vs. Practice” took place in Brussels on 29th of May 2024. It involved participants representing Prospects 5.0 partners, use case providers, project Advisory Board Members, European Commission’s DG RTD, and other EU-funded projects covering similar topic.
The event was structured in 2 parts. During the morning plenary session, the Prospects 5.0 project was overviewed, followed by the presentations of existing frameworks and methodologies linked to the Industry 5.0:
- Bridges 5.0 project – Workforce skills for Industry 5.0 conceptual framework (Steven Dhondt, TNO)
- SEISMEC project – Striking the right balance between disruptive technology and human-centricity: the CAPS framework (Jason Pridmore, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- AI Redgio 5.0 – Experimenting Industry 5.0 in TEchnology and Regulatory SAndboxes (TERESA) and Didactic Factories (Sergio Gusmeroli, Politecnico di Milano)
- SURE 5.0 & BridgeSMEs projects (Giovanni Arnaboldi, Iniziativa Cube)
- Community of Practice 5.0 – Findings from working groups on Thematic Analysis and Learning and Assessment Tool (Laura Roman, DG RTD, Industry 5.0 and AI in Science Unit).
Afterwards, the Panel Discussion was held, moderated by Stephanie Harfensteller (Department Research and Knowledge Management, FIR e. V., Prospects 5.0 partner). The panel addressed the hot topic of the connection between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. The discussion involved Laura Roman (DG RTD, Industry 5.0 and AI in Science Unit), Željko Pazin (Executive Director of EFFRA), Steven Dhondt (Senior Scientist at TNO and Professor at KU Leuven), and Dalius Serafinas (Chairman of the Lithuanian Science Society).
The interactive afternoon session was organized into three break-out sessions, each dedicated to one of the Industry 5.0 pillars: sustainability, resiliency, and human-centricity. The round-table discussions focused on investigating the implementation of Industry 5.0 related initiatives at different levels in companies and how these initiatives are evaluated and measured.
The fruitful discussions and questions outlined by the panelists and raised by the participants will help the Prospects 5.0 team to implement the review of approaches and methodologies for the adoption and implementation of Industry 5.0. Additionally, the connections created between participants and different initiatives will contribute to building a common vision and allow for joint efforts at the EU level towards Industry 5.0.