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  • The PROSPECTS 5.0 project aims to

    promote the adoption of Industry 5.0 principles, such as
    human-centricity, sustainability, and resiliency, and facilitate the
    transition to Industry 5.0 for SMEs, start-ups, and scale-ups
    in various industries.

  • PROSPECTS 5.0 is a collaborative project implemented by the
    consortium of The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium is composed of
    16 core partners from academia, RTOs, industries and SMEs,
    and 14 use case providers from various industrial sectors.

  • Industry 5.0 is an emerging paradigm for a future-proof
    industry that goes beyond efficiency and productivity by
    restoring and regenerating planetary resources; it is
    based on the three pillars: human-centricity,
    sustainability and resiliency.

  • The PROSPECTS 5.0 project aims to

    promote the adoption of Industry 5.0 principles, such as human-centricity,
    sustainability, and resiliency, and facilitate the
    transition to Industry 5.0 for SMEs, start-ups, and scale-ups
    in various industries.
  • PROSPECTS 5.0 is a collaborative project implemented by the
    consortium of The PROSPECTS 5.0 consortium is composed of
    16 core partners from academia, RTOs, industries and SMEs,
    and 14 use case providers from various industrial sectors.

  • Industry 5.0 is an emerging paradigm for a future-proof
    industry that goes beyond efficiency and productivity by
    restoring and regenerating planetary resources; it is
    based on the three pillars: human-centricity,
    sustainability and resiliency.

The PROSPECTS 5.0 project explores Industry 5.0 adoption by analysing 14 real-world use-cases across sectors like manufacturing, IT services, education, energy, aviation, and automotive in the European Union, Norway, and Türkiye. Focused on human-centricity, sustainability, and resiliency, it aims to impact policy frameworks and enhance skills and acceptance. PROSPECTS 5.0 encourages collaboration among entities involved in the transition, providing insights for a successful Industry 5.0 transformation.


PROSPECTS 5.0 is a collaborative project implemented by the consortium composed of core partners and use-case providers.


30 partners

academia, RTOs, industries and SMEs

17 countries (EU member states)

and Associated countries

14 use-cases

different sectors, company sizes, countries

6 industry sectors

manufacturing, IT service, education, energy, aviation and automotive

8 Advisory Board members

industry and academic experts

Want to become a part of the transition towards Industry 5.0?

Participate In Knowledge Co-Creation
through Industry 5.0 Community of Interest

What are the benefits ?

Share experience on Industry 5.0, provide feedback on current practices and studies, participate in project events, establish links with engaged stakeholders.

Who are invited ?

EDIHs, representatives of EU working groups covering Industry 5.0 concepts
Apply to Become a Member of the Industry 5.0 Community of Interest

Improve Understanding Of Industry 5.0 Paradigm
through the online collaborative platform – Industry 5.0 Wiki

What are the benefits ?

Read useful articles from experienced stakeholders, contribute by adding articles based on your practical knowledge.

Who are invited ?

Everyone interested in or experienced with Industry 5.0 from research, business, policymaking communities

Learn How To Adopt Industry 5.0 In Practice

from Industry 5.0 assessment reports

What are the benefits ?

Learn about Industry 5.0 implementation practices, drivers and impacts, adoption factors, benefits

Who are invited ?

SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, local innovation ecosystems (innovation hubs, accelerators, incubators).
through dedicated web application PROSPECTS 5.0 platform

What are the benefits ?

Assess your current level in Industry 5.0, see practical examples of organizations at the same and next level, get insights on how they evolved, get advice on next steps.

Who are invited ?

Industries, SMEs, mid-caps from any sector
Subscribe for updates to get involved!




Industry 5.0 is an emerging paradigm for a future-proof industry that goes beyond efficiency and productivity by restoring and regenerating planetary resources, providing the European Union with economic, social and material stability Industry 5.0.




Industry is understood in the widest sense as human activity to produce or supply goods, services, or sources of income.
Industry is understood in the widest sense as human activity to produce or supply goods, services, or sources of income.



Industry as powerful lever to help the planet leaves no one behind and actively contributes to wellbeing and planetary regeneration.


The “from efficiency to resilience” shift is the essence of Industry 5.0 and can bridge the gap in building a positive link between society and industry.
